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A few small tweaks can make a huge difference to how you feel about your day, your productivity levels and your mood. Taking a few minutes to review your morning and evening routine is a fast wellness booster. The key though I think, is to be realistic about your life and make this achievable for you.


Please note that any action you take doesn’t have to be big or overwhelming. Small actions carried out with purpose, will set your mind, body and soul for success each day.

What are two small actions that you can change to help you start your journey to being more resilient?

Strength exercises

I’m going to share two actions for you to take away and start using straight away. I know for me exercising and getting movement into my day is important because I can spend a lot of my time sitting in front of my screen. A simple 5 minute exercise routine using strength building exercises is easy to incorporate into your day. You can attach this to something else you do every morning like cleaning your teeth. This is easy to do in the bathroom or perhaps you might like to try the kitchen while the jug boils for your morning cuppa. I usually do each exercise for about 30 seconds (or a total of 10 counts) and in total it will only take you 5 minutes or less.

Squats while holding onto the sink

Push ups using the bench or sink.

Bicep curls with a tin of something or a small weight


Triceps dips on the bench.


Gratitude practice

A gratitude practice is an easy action to take each morning, and indeed it is the perfect time to do so as it sets you up for a day of goodness coming in your general direction. A coaching friend of mine once shared her morning gratitude practice which comes from Wayne Dyer, the well-known spiritual author and speaker, who said he would set his feet down out of bed each morning with a “Thank You” as his feet hit the floor. Literally a ritual of “Thank” with the right foot and” You” with the left as the perfect positive start to the day. This is so simple, and even better takes no additional time in your morning. Or try when brushing your teeth, consider 3 things you are grateful for... the key I think in this practice is to keep it fresh, three NEW things each day to be grateful for, no repeating! This will start waking up your brain cells as well as your heart each morning.


Getting through difficulties without letting them become overwhelming isn’t necessarily easy for everyone. Resilient people tend to realise that what you do with yourself is important. Prioritizing your selfcare is important. I don’t mean the bubble baths, massages and expensive spa treatments. Getting the two new habits instilled into your daily routines will have a profound benefit to your health and well-being.