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New Year New You

Happy New Year and welcome to 2023!

January is a great time to take a moment to reflect on the year that's been and celebrate all that you achieved in the previous year. Doing this exercise enables you to decide what you want to work on in 2023, as well as any goals or resolutions you want to set.

To help you do this, today I'm sharing 7 ways that you can set yourself up for success in 2023 🧡



Is it a goal you want - or something you feel you should do?
There is no point in setting a goal or resolution simply because you feel like you should. Whether it's giving up alcohol, doing a marathon or taking up a new hobby, if it's not something YOU want, then you're setting yourself up for failure.

Understand them
It's important to truly understand your goals so you completely buy in and commit to them. If your goal is to get fit, ask yourself why and identify all the benefits of doing so. Get specific by making a list.

Start rather than stop
Set your resolutions based on the promotion of new, positive behaviour instead of depriving yourself of things. What could you start doing, rather than giving up?

Find a buddy
Do you have someone that you can buddy up with, someone to help hold you accountable and cheer you on in times of weakness - and success?



Is it achievable?
Be realistic in the goals or resolutions you set yourself, and make sure you're setting ones that you stand a chance of achieving. Factor in curve balls that life throws at us.

Make sure it's worth the effort
This one speaks for itself; whatever you're aiming for, ensure it's worth the time and effort required.

Reward yourself
Ensure you congratulate and reward yourself as you achieve your goals and resolutions - what's the point otherwise? If you have a goal that's fitness related, could you treat yourself to a walk to a magical location like Bridal Veil Falls? Perhaps you wish to cut down on alcohol; could you celebrate with a new drink bottle?



And one final tip, start small! Break your goals and resolutions into smaller and more achievable steps.

Use these tips to help set yourself up for the best and most enjoyable year yet!