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One of my personal values is learning, therefore I absolutely love learning new techniques that I can use in my coaching practice

One thing that I don’t speak often about is creating space for my clients to heal. I work very closely with people to create space within their minds to find out what matters most to them. In doing this I am creating a healing space often for them to begin new journeys. It is one of my favourite aspects of coaching.

Some of you might think that healing is an unusual word to use when I am working as a coach. Though most of you will know I have been a registered nurse for over 30 years so healing does come naturally to me. And often what people most need is to have someone sit with them and truly listen. When this happens, I see light bulb moments occur in my client’s minds 🧡

Below is a quote that I came across from an article written by Brené Brown and it couldn’t have resonated more for me as it relates well to Dr Adam Frasers' book called “The Third Space “which is my current read.

I talk to many of my clients about pausing and allowing themselves to breathe before they react to situations that have triggered them because sometimes, they might not know what that trigger is.

Creating that space to allow your brain to switch out of the sympathetic nervous system momentarily can have a profound effect on how you show up in the world. Our sympathetic nervous system houses the fight, flight, and freeze centre of our brain. When this is continually stimulated, we have an overabundance of cortisol circulating in our bloodstream.

Now we do need some cortisol in our bodies for us to function. Such as in the early morning, your body's cortisol production naturally surges and transitions you into wakefulness. Scientists refer to this phenomenon as the cortisol awakening response (CAR). Once you've woken up, this cortisol surge continues for 30-45 minutes before returning to its baseline after an hour or so.

Stress triggers a combination of signals from both hormones and nerves. These signals cause your adrenal glands to release hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. The result is an increase in heart rate and energy as part of the fight-or-flight response. It’s your body’s way of preparing itself for potentially dangerous or harmful situations.

Cortisol also helps to limit any functions that aren’t essential in a fight-or-flight situation. Once the threat passes, your hormones return to their usual levels. This entire process can be a lifesaver. But when you’re under constant stress, this response doesn’t always turn off.

Long-term exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can wreak havoc on almost all of your body’s processes, increasing your risk of many health issues, from heart disease and obesity to anxiety and depression.

So, I encourage my clients to take time to truly be with themselves and go inwards because this is so rare in our crazy busy world. I often use this acronym to help people remember to stop.


Being aware is the first step to catch your thinking and worrying at the earliest possible opportunity.

S: Stop whatever you are doing, just pause momentarily. You might even like to visualise a stop sign in your mind. If you get this far you are halfway there. And you might need to do it over and over to break the old pathway and to create a new one.

T: Take a breath. Reconnect with your breath. The breath is an anchor to the present moment.

O: Observe. Notice what is happening. What is happening inside you, and outside of you?

P: Proceed. Continue doing what you were doing.

Use this tool below during your days ahead and you will notice a difference.

Now I have talked about stress before, but I have found something new to use in my coaching so keep your eyes open for another mid-month newsletter with some exciting news about the new service I will be offering later this year.