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Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID)

I was having a phone conversation yesterday with a very dear friend who was telling me that she had found a lump in her breast before Christmas. She is getting the lump removed next week. When I asked her how she was feeling about this health scare she made a comment about me, and how I always show up with a smile on my face even though I live with a chronic condition. She thought if I can do that, then she will too.

This got me thinking so I have decided to write about my health condition and how I live with it. I was diagnosed with Common Variable Immune deficiency (CVID) when I was 27 not long after having our first child Briar. This diagnosis came out of the blue for me, after a blood test ordered by my GP at the time in Rotorua. He was a little perplexed by my presentation of pneumonia and the chest X Ray showing that I had a lung condition called bronchiectasis. I am forever thankful to him because he knew what tests to order. So many other patients with CVID take a lot longer to reach this diagnosis, and subsequently they are a lot sicker when they finally are diagnosed.
I took some time to accept that I had CVID, because the treatment is lifelong, and I was worried about having more children. I realised pretty quickly that with the correct treatment administered 4 weekly that I could live a healthy and happy life. This changed the way I thought about my condition. I needed to accept that this was with me for the rest of my life and I could live just as I wanted to. I started to look after myself better and worked hard to keep fit by running.
This was always discussed at my checkup appointments because my immunologist is a great believer in keeping fit. By the way I don’t run anymore but make sure I stay healthy in other ways.
Since becoming a life coach, I can really see the effect that thoughts have on our behaviours. If we are going to change anything in our lives, we need to change the way we think about it and this in turn changes the way we feel. I have been using Brooke Castillio’s model with clients to help them see how to change their thoughts to get the life that they want. I believe anyone can change their thoughts.
I chose to accept CVID as a part of me, while I will always have to be at home for my 4 weekly infusions, I organize my life around this. I often think that I was meant to get this because it has made me the person I am now.
If you or any one you know has a chronic condition, or would simply like to know more about coaching, get in touch with me simply phone me on 0274575019 or send me an message.